
Monday, May 29, 2017

Womens birth and wellness center in Chapel Hill North Carolina| North Carolina birth photography| Cord burning ceremony| Love at First Sight Photography & Doula Services

What a magical birth I was allowed to witness and document.

Did you do anything unusual or meaningful during your birth? This was my first time witnessing and also hearing about umbilical cord burning and I quickly became fascinated and eager to witness! The practice of cord burning is slow and peaceful. The flames gradually cauterizes the umbilical cord, which contains two arteries and a vein surrounded by protective Worton's jelly. 

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, cord burning also has been thought to have multiple positive effects on a newborn:
By heating the cord and driving the last of the blood through there you are giving a profoundly tonic treatment for the baby who has just run a marathon…. Cord burning reduces the risk of bleeding and entry of infections. You are warming digestion which will reduce the tendency for jaundice, besides just creating a strong baby which means a good nurser.” ~ Dr.  Joseph Kassal, ND (Source:

   Big sister got to witness and help welcome her new baby brother into the world with such excitement! 

Placenta and umbilical facts you may not of known!

  • The placenta functions as a gland, secreting important hormones during pregnancy.
  • The placenta is a multi-functional organ that acts as baby's lungs to supply oxygen, kidneys to filter out waste, and as gastrointestinal/immune system by delivering nutrients and antibodies to your baby
  • The placenta is the only disposable organ! It naturally expels itself when its purpose is fulfilled and during each pregnancy your body grows another to support each baby
  • Fetal cells can transfer to the mother through the placenta and can help target and heal injured areas inside the mother. WOW
  • The placenta works incredibly hard exchanging blood. Can you believe that every minute of your pregnancy almost 500ml (pint) of blood is sent to the uterus to exchange nutrients via the placenta! 
  • The placenta is part mom and part dad! When the sperm fertilizes the egg, the egg and sperm become a blastocyst which becomes the placenta and the baby. 
  • The placenta functions without direct control from the nervous system as the placenta does not contain any nerve cells. The placenta develops and functions with out being connected to you brain! 
  • The placenta helps in aid of starting breast milk. when the placenta separates it triggers the production of prolactin which is the hormone responsible for milk production. 
  • 35% of babies are born with the cord around their neck. 1% of cords have a true knot at birth.
  • The cord can serve as a back up oxygen supply if baby needs resuscitation after birth; another reason why delayed clamping is ideal! 
  • The cord is filled with a clear, gelatinous mucous called Whartons jelly, a substance that protects the internal arteries.
  • Most babies umbilical cords have three blood vessels; One vein, which brings nutrients from the placenta to baby, and two arteries that bring waste back to the placenta. The mother's blood never mixes with her baby's blood. 
  • The cord develops from the yolk sac which offers nutrients to the fetus before the placenta is functional enough to take over the job. 